Tuesday, November 17, 2015

There she is!

Not to happy of a camper here
I took a very bad fall and broke my foot (bad)

This device is my only means of mobility
I'm supposed to put my knee where the cat is
to keep any weight off my foot. 

Trouble is I bruised my knee so badly in the fall that
that is pretty painful.
I am learning how to function as a one legged person but it is not easy. 
I'm really crabby.

Fortunately I can work remotely from home so that is a distraction.
Otherwise I'd go nuts.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Take Care


  1. oh, i'm so sorry! the kitty is being SO helpful, though, i see! :) heal well!!

  2. Oh how miserable! Is it time to call in your sister? Take good care...

  3. Oh my I am so sorry to hear of your broken foot. Sure hope it heals quickly.

  4. I'm so so sorry! I'll keep you in my prayers for fast healing. lots and lots of hugs, Diane

  5. That's just awful news dear Jeanne - I can imagine how difficult it is to get about on one leg. How long will your recuperation be? I hope so much you have assistance from someone who can make life a little easier until you are able to stand and move about again. Tell kitty to find a new snugly place, you need that one!

    Best of luck - be well soon. Keep us posted please.
    Hugs - Mary

  6. Oh dear - that's not good (like you didn't know that already). Hope you heal fast and tell kitty this is not their very own transportation and napping station. LOL

  7. Oh, no! Just in time for the holidays too. You are the one that must take care and get back on both feet at the earliest possible time! Those knee walkers are pretty cool but no substitution for the real thing.

  8. Wow a broken foot, a friend did that was not long ago,she was not careful and now it hurts a lot.
    You must let it heal
    so glad you have the kitty cat to help pass the time of day

  9. I'm so sorry Jeanne. I hope you heal quickly. (And i'm sure your kitty means well.)

  10. I am sorry to read this. I fell last Thanksgiving and broke my foot. I really sympathize! Glad that kitty is so helpful.
