Sunday, January 11, 2015


I've been a busy bee with not much
personal computer time to spare

Planning some events and last minute details
 are taking up much or my time

Meanwhile life goes on at the feeder

 This hardy little sparrow waits it's turn

This is one of the largest woodpeckers I think I have ever seen
I wish I could have gotten a closer shot at the feeder but he was not going to have it.

 Opps! strange looking bird for sure

I'll be in and out a bit for the next few weeks reading, maybe commenting but not posting much.

Hurry April!!


  1. sweet birdies. i like the red-bellied woodpeckers, too.

  2. Jeanne we have the red-bellied woodies too. Even though the male has the red head they are named for the pale red spot on their tummies - I bet you already knew that! One of ours takes peanuts only from the feeders and lately has been stuffing them along the top of the potting shed door - when we open the door and walk in we're showered with nuts - so funny! I sweep them up and toss them back outside. Don't you love the tiny chickadees? Always chirpy and so fast on and off the feeders, you caught a good shot here.

    Don't work too hard and hope to see you here again soon.
    Hugs - Mary

  3. Nice variety of birds, I love the cute chickadees and the woodpecker.. Have a happy week!

  4. It sounds as if you might be escaping to warmer climes or perhaps work has just gotten more busy. Nice to see all that's going on at your feeder, and that is an odd grasshopper coming in.

  5. Nice visitors at your feeder. : )

  6. Delightful series of little birds, and the bigger one, helicoptorsaurus :)

  7. All such sweet birds.. well except the mechanical one. lol. I've missed you, but i understand the really busy thing.

  8. You have some wonderful, crystal clear shots of the pretty birds!

  9. April seems so far away right now, doesn't it? But I agree and I'm looking forward to seeing more of you in the springtime!

  10. It's funny. I want winter to stay a bit:)
