Sunday, June 21, 2015


My sweet Pie and I are both under the weather.
 Cough, cough, sniff, sniff!

Just stopped by to say Hi.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


I know I've been away too long but I am so so busy.
Between working extra hours, (that's gonna have to stop) 
and oh so much fun watching the Black Hawks playing hockey.
I just haven't had much extra time.

It has been quite rainy here. 

We seem to get a couple of dry days during the week and then it rains all weekend. Phooey!

These were taken just after one of the rain showers

You should see he weeds!! OMG!

Take Care

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sunday the last day of May

Well, it stopped raining for a bit.

Only a few weeks from summer and it is finally spring here
Today it is a whopping 55 deg

This dwarf Spirea is blooming nicely around my deck

The Columbine is blooming

And my precious Chives!

I have had these chives since 1993, planted them at two houses and brought a bit of them here in a pot in 2006.
They come back every year faithfully
I think its time I give this plant a bit more growing room and find a spot to put them in the ground. 
There is a spot on the sunny side of the house near the Columbine that should suit this plant just fine.
Wow, how time flies. I can't believe I have been here almost 9 years.
It seems like yesterday!!