Friday, June 8, 2012

An Owl

I have no idea what kind of owl this is but this bird was BIG. The pictures do not tell the story, it was too far away. I don't have a zoom lens yet and the macro lens was the best I could do to get close. Not close enough. Plus it was almost dark out.
I saw this critter land in the tree, its wing span was huge!! I am not kidding I bet this bird had to be over two and a half feet tall. I'm trying to be conservative.
Anyway, I am wondering if the prey is good because the hawk is gone??
The last time I saw an owl out here it was a tiny one.

I sure hope this one comes back!! Where is my bird book??

Okay... I found something in the book that looks like this
Great Horned Owl. In a blurry pic I can see the horns.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lucky you, JT. Fantastic captures of the Great horned owl. In all my wanders I have not even spotted one owl.

  3. This is right outside my window. I was amazed! I hope the bird comes back.

  4. The wingspan is incredible on these birds....and yes...that's a Great Horned Owl. Pretty amazing:) Hey, I love hummingbirds but owls trump all birds in my book:) but they require a trained eye. When they fly, you can't hear them because of the way the wings and feathers form together. They are a silent nightstalker. Hope you have more sightings:)

  5. Wow, what a terrific sighting. Nice shots of the Great Horned Owl, Jeanne.
