Friday, June 28, 2013


I was waiting for an opportunity for post this shot
I just love it.

Bah Ram Ewe, Bah Ram Ewe
To your fleece your breed be true
Sheep be true 
Bah Ram Ewe

Anyone remember where this verse came from??


  1. boy, no! but it sounds vaguely familiar!

    love the little sheepies!

  2. Not familiar with the verse. It is a sweet photo. So nice to meet you thru Friday Fences.

  3. Cute photo!! I knew I'd heard that verse before, but couldn't dredge up the I Googled it! But I won't give it away. :-) Wasn't that FUN!

  4. That's a fence with a lot of character, I almost missed the one string of barbed wire on top! Of course, the sheep are a bonus!!! Have a great week-end!

  5. This is a great shot! So sweet!

  6. Sweet, beautiful shot! Love. :)

  7. Can't say I've ever heard that verse, but I adore that photo.

  8. Hi there, love your sheep shot. Hope you're staying cool:)

  9. Even better enlarges. Cute face!

  10. I'd not heard the verse but it seems to have come from the film Babe! Baa ram ewe is also the name of some wool, which I'd not heard of before either. Love the photo- I like the way the fence seems to have been bent just to frame their faces!

  11. Oh yes I remember that well. See I'm sort of "dense" at times and at first couldn't figure out was Bah, Ram, Ewe meant. Then it dawned on me, the sound a sheep makes, a male sheep and a female sheep...I told you I was dense sometimes! - Anyway these are darling looking sheep/lambs.

  12. oh, I was hoping some one would know the verse. sounds very familiar but yet I can pull it from my mind?

    enjoy your week. have a happy 4th! ( :

  13. The Babe movie!!! LOL, we loved that one. I even spontaneously sing out la-la-la without even thinking about it!
