Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Night Critters

In the spirit of yesterdays post,
since there were so many comments about 
what goes on while we sleep...

I remembered this photo that I posted way back when.
They are a busy lot at night.
As far as the Possum is concerned, I actually think they are nasty little things. 
Very smelly if they decide to take up residence close by.

I will be trying to catch a shot of the local raccoon though. 
He is stealthy and about the size of a small Volkswagen.


  1. small volkswagon - haha! good luck with that! :)

  2. There sure are a lot of tracks! Happy Thanksgiving my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  3. Cute picture with all the tracks. Looks like a lot happens when we sleep. : )

  4. Raccoons are scary (rabies!) and do get gigantic. I hate it when they've come around the trash cans, they are pretty adept at removing lids of metal ones, not latched like the plastic ones, and I had one feeding nightly from a large bird feeder some years back. A neighbor had a pair in their attic along with babies - a big and expensive job to have them removed!

    Happy tomorrow - well happy every day actually my dear!

  5. I love that snow reveals everything. They definitely are an active lot. It's actually great that they are busy at night. During the day, they'd face human traffic. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow. All my best! Chris

  6. They created a lovely pattern of tracks in the snow. Enjoyed this very much.

  7. Busy indeed! They sure get lots of exercise! :) I have seen some pretty big, chunky raccoons also. And I've seen them wash their 'hands' in our backyard koi pond.

  8. A lot of you were "guests" at night in the garden, you can see the traces. Regards.

  9. yes, possums aren't very cute nor smell very good. Not sure about racoons, tho.

  10. I like seeing both of them -- from afar!
